Jasper was sworn in as a lawyer in 2005 and has been a lawyer since 2008 employed at the department Real Estate and Government of Dirkzwager. He specialises in environmental law and environmental law (Grotius 2012- 2013 cum laude). Jasper advises, among others, developers, municipalities, housing corporations and (utility)companies regarding omgevingsplans, environmental permitsenvironmental and nature conservation law as well as related public and private law issues such as public-private partnerships.<span data-contrast="auto" The projects he is involved in often have a social and/or political impact.<span data-contrast="auto" Jasper deploys his specialist knowledge in a pragmatic and solution-oriented approach. He likes to share his knowledge with publications and lectures on environmental law and other property-related areas of law, including the various facets of the Environment Act.
Jurisprudence on Environmental Law (JM) 2018/967 (revocation of environmental permit)
Jurisprudence on Environmental Law (JM) 2018/83 (Environmental permit, Modification of building, Accessory building, Main building, Extension, Zoning, Parking spaces, Accessory building, Supermarket)
Jurisprudence in Environmental Law 2018/68 (Planning permission, Wind turbine, Refusal to withdraw, Planning permission, Planning area, Noise pollution, Decline in value, Residential property)
Jurisprudence Environmental Law 2018/55 (Zoning plan, Permit-free building, Site-specific circumstances, Main building, Outbuilding, Village centre, Backyard area, Yard, Good spatial planning)
Case law on environmental law 2018/41 (Zoning plan boundaries, Compliance with environmental permit, Assessment of planning acceptability)
Jurisprudence in Environmental Law 2018/124 (Refusal of environmental permit, Wind farm, Declaration of no objections, Preservation of legal effects)
Work highlights
- Advising and litigating on behalf of a developer for the realisation of residential towers in the west of the country.
- Advising and litigating on behalf of a municipality in the context of the realisation of a large-scale homeless and addict shelter.
- Advising on nitrogen issues in the context of dredging activities in a major port.
- Advising governments on various legal issues in the energy transition.
- Advising and litigating on behalf of PAS notifiers (nitrogen).
- Advising and litigating on the large-scale housing of labour migrants and students.
- Litigating on behalf of an animal feed company against the intention to build a new residential area in the immediate vicinity.
- Litigating on behalf of a heating company regarding compliance with environmental regulations.
- Multiple proceedings for various international project developers regarding the realisation of solar parks before the court and the Administrative Law Division of the Council of State.
- Advising and litigating for municipalities and property developers in environmental planning procedures concerning new (housing) developments.
- Proceedings on enforcement for violations of public law regulations.
Experience and education
2012 - 2013
Grotius specialisation course in spatial planning and environmental law (cum laude)
2018 - heden
Chairman ArnhemBedrijft!
2018 - heden
Annotator Jurisprudence in Environmental Law
2023 - heden
Member of the Council of Discipline in the Arnhem-Leeuwarden district
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”