Related expertise
Joost is lawyer in the field of Intellectual Property (IP), advertising and internet law. Specialist in the copyright law, trademark law, design law, issues about trade- and domain names, protection of design, slaafse imitation and unlawful competition (trade secrets). Advertising law, misleading and comparative advertising , in particular on internet websites, social media, adwords, reviews and unlawful press publications, are also part of his expertise. Highly experienced litigator (litigator) in summary proceedings, proceedings on the merits, appeal and (evidence)attachment. Joost also assists clients in drafting IPcontracts, such as transferand, licensing and restructuring, and all other legal support in the field ofn branding, design, product portfolios and online advertising campaigns. Joost is editor of the BMM Bulletin (brands- and design law). He gives seminars & lectures on various IP topics and regularly publishes scientific articles. Member of the Association for IP Litigation Lawyers (VIEPA), the Dutch Intellectual Property Association (VIE/AIPPI), the Copyright Association (VvA), BMM and the Advertising Law Association (VvR).
Work highlights
- Enforcement and protection of trademarks, trade names and copyright.
- Interlocutory appeal on Google Adwords advertisements.
- Involved in appeal on protection of design, design and slavish imitation.
- Principle dispute over entitlement to equitable remuneration and author's contract law.
Experience and education
1998 - 2005
Dutch law, University of Groningen
World Trademark Review (WTR): 'Joost Becker, a distinguised partner at Dirkzwager, is a prominent figure in IP, advertising and internet law. With strategic brilliance, het not only litigates fiercely but also crafts ingenious trademark strategies, ensuring his clients’ brands shine amids legal coplexities (2024) ... a very diligent lawyer who fights the fight for his clientele, a personable and wise practicioner: a fine choice for clients seeking to preserve and defend their rights in the region and beyond (2023)'.
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The ECOVER decision; a win for eco friendly trademarks?

Product packaging: where design and trade mark law meet

Design and Copyright Protection in the EU

No trademark registration for ‘Glashütte Original’ in virtual watches