Related expertise
Deline is a notary and partner at Dirkzwager in the Corporate Law section. Selma has also been a member of the Dirkzwager board since 2025. She started her career at De Brauw in Amsterdam and transferred to Dirkzwager at the end of 2015. She focuses on advising in the field of corporate law particularly to large and medium-sized companies, including family businesses, (semi)public institutions, foundations and associations with regard to (corporate) governance, acquisitions, (re)structurings and (cross-border) mergers and demergers, among others. She enjoys working on acquisitions by private equity parties and other companies and (sustainable) energy projects. Deline is also active as a director of the Stichting tot Bevordering der Notariële Wetenschap, Stichting Cultuur Academy and as an auditor for the Royal Notarial Association.
Work highlights
- Acquisition by Vendis Capital of Soap and BM Clinics (June 2024) and Skins Cosmetics (January 2024).
Experience and education
Nyenrode Business University - Leadership in turbulent times
2020 - present
Auditor Royal Notarial Association
2019 - present
Director Foundation for the Promotion of Notarial Science
2019 - present
Director Foundation for Culture Academy
2022 - 2024
Lecturer BV and NV Professional Notarial Training Course
NVP Essentials (basic privaty equity training)
2013 - 2014
Grotius Academy Mergers Acquisitions
2003 - 2007
Notarial law, Utrecht University
Our contact feels so familiar that it feels like I am working with a close colleague" is one of the biggest compliments I have received from a client. I value the bond of trust with my client and enjoy acting as a "trusted advisor".