Dirkzwager has assisted MUMC+ in the cooperation process with SJG Weert

12 september 2024, last updated 6 december 2024

On June 3, 2024, SJG Weert hospital was converted into a structure company with Maastricht UMC+ as one hundred percent shareholder. With this, Maastricht UMC+ and SJG Weert entered into a sustainable and intensive cooperation in the context of the Integral Care Agreement (IZA).

Louis Houwen 
Louis Houwen 
Lawyer - Partner
Marèl Baak 
Marèl Baak 
Assigned notary

The new form of cooperation focuses on strengthening each other's patient care, with the aim of providing the right care in the right place. Through this collaboration, Maastricht UMC+ can further strengthen its academic and top referral care, while SJG Weert can continue to offer a complete range of care for its catchment area.

Dirkzwager has proudly assisted Maastricht UMC+ in this important step. Our team, consisting of Louis Houwen, Charlotte Perquin-Deelen and Marèl Baak, has supervised the entire process and advised on the set-up of the new cooperation construction, the design of the governance, the contracting, the amendment of the articles of association and legal conversion from hospital foundation to a two-tier board company.


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