
Latest articles

Secondment as an alternative to self-employment: what do you need to know?

Much has been written about the risk of false self-employment and ways to mitigate it. We too regularly publish and advise on this topic. But the question that...

Cross-border employment: The competent court in case of cross-border employment

Increasingly, employees live and work remotely, in addition to the regular cross-border worker who lives just across the border in Germany and/or Belgium. The...

Work in paid employment & other employment

In this seventh blog, we will discuss the other residence permits for work.

The European blue card

In this fourth blog, we will discuss the residence permit ‘European blue card’.

Cross-border work – Regular or part-time work abroad

Will you be sending your employees to work abroad on a project or for a fixed number of days a week? Alternatively, are you an employee yourself and do you...

Cross-border employment: Posting workers across borders - the issues to consider

With the current tight labour market, it is increasingly common in practice for Dutch employers to temporarily use foreign workers to cover certain peak...

The intra-corporate transfer

In this fifth blog, we will discuss the residence permit for an intra-corporate transferee (ICT).

Essential start-up personnel

In this eighth (and final) blog, we will discuss the pilot for essential start-up personnel.

Cross-border employment: The applicable employment law in case of cross-border employment

The moment an employee comes to work in the Netherlands from abroad and vice versa, the question arises which employment law applies in that case. You may have...

The TWV and the GVVA

In this first blog, we provide an overview of the different permits.

Pension in takeovers: transfer of premium debts

In the blog series Pension in Takeovers we discuss the various pension related aspects that are involved in a merger or acquisition. The legal regime and the...

Pensions in takeovers: legal regime, illustrated by practice

In blog two of this blog series on pensions in takeovers, we discussed the statutory regime in the event that the takeover qualifies as a transfer of...

Is an employer allowed to let a migrant worker work without a citizen service number (part III)?

On 25 November 2022, the NOS published an article about three asylum seekers who gave the IND (the immigration and naturalization service) an ultimatum to...

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