To Labour & Pensions

Pensions and remuneration

A pension constitutes a crucial employment benefit within a business. In addition to the costs associated with it, a pension is an example of care provided to staff upon their retirement, in case of occupational invalidity or in the event of their death. Pensions are a form of care for the most important capital within your business: your employees.

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Our specialists

Buby den Heeten 
Buby den Heeten 
Lawyer - Partner
Labour & Pensions
Frédérique Hoppers 
Frédérique Hoppers 
Lawyer - Partner
Labour & Pensions
Tom Vandeginste
Tom Vandeginste
Lawyer - Partner
Labour & Pensions
Aletha Dera-ten Bokum
Aletha Dera-ten Bokum
Lawyer - Associate Partner
Labour & Pensions
Annelinde Janssen
Annelinde Janssen
Lawyer - Senior
Labour & Pensions
Maaike de Jonge 
Maaike de Jonge 
Lawyer - Senior
Labour & Pensions
Mart van Braak 
Mart van Braak 
Lawyer - Senior
Labour & Pensions
Stefan Kleijer
Stefan Kleijer
Labour & Pensions

Future Pensions Act

The new Future Pensions Act [Wet toekomst pensioenen] has introduced major changes. They are having a substantial impact on employees’ terms of employment. All pension administrators and employers are required to adjust their schemes to comply with the new legislation by no later than 1 January 2028. This will entail far-reaching changes and important decisions concerning compensation and other matters, which will also require compliance with labour and staff representation regulations.

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Pension law experts

Dirkzwager monitors recent developments, provides advice to employers, pension administrators and works councils, and offers second opinions. In the case of mergers and acquisitions, we can quickly and easily identify pension and labour law obligations, and we can present strategic and practical advice on negotiations and agreements between buyers and sellers. In addition, you can confidently engage us for the following.

How can we help?

Do you have a question? Feel free to contact our specialists.

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Our lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax specialists work closely together to provide customized advice and sustainable solutions, from a broad perspective.

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  • Pragmatic approach
  • Personal and quick contact
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