To Labour & Pensions

Flexible work and labour mobility

Does flexible labour epitomise the modern approach to work? The emergence of flexible work and the growing demand for labour mobility inevitably raise questions and pose strategic challenges. Organisations are required to find a balance between the flexibility that they offer their employees and the maintenance of productivity and team cohesion.

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Our specialists

Buby den Heeten 
Buby den Heeten 
Advocaat - Partner
Arbeid & Pensioen
Frédérique Hoppers 
Frédérique Hoppers 
Advocaat - Partner
Arbeid & Pensioen
Tom Vandeginste
Tom Vandeginste
Advocaat - Partner
Arbeid & Pensioen
Aletha Dera-ten Bokum
Aletha Dera-ten Bokum
Advocaat - Associate Partner
Arbeid & Pensioen
Annelinde Janssen
Annelinde Janssen
Advocaat - Senior
Arbeid & Pensioen
Maaike de Jonge 
Maaike de Jonge 
Advocaat - Senior
Arbeid & Pensioen
Mart van Braak 
Mart van Braak 
Advocaat - Senior
Arbeid & Pensioen

National and international labour mobility

This modern approach to work is not unique to office staff or the Netherlands. The desire to work at home or elsewhere in the world exemplifies workers’ search for greater freedom. It offers employers an opportunity to distinguish themselves from their peers in a tight labour market. National and international labour mobility also entail obligations. Moreover, owing to growing pressures in the labour market and a dearth of professionals, employers are also frequently required to look beyond the country’s borders.

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Comprehensive support for remote work and secondment

Employers can benefit from appropriate support for the development of a national and international mobility policy that is appropriate to their organisation, assistance with staff requests to work abroad and advice on labour migration. Dirkzwager offers support to employers in the following areas, amongst others:

  • Mobility and remote work policies
  • National and international secondment and temporary employment contracts
  • Expatriate employment contracts
  • The identification of obligations under labour, social insurance and tax law in the case of international staff
  • The submission of applications under the 30% scheme and the calculation of salary splits
  • Assistance with applications for the requisite documents, such as work and residence permits, and A1 declarations
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Multidisciplinary approach

Dirkzwager possesses all of the disciplines which play a role in international labour law under one roof. We work closely with our partners in the TELFA (Trans European Law Firms Alliance) and USLAW networks, with the result that we can offer comprehensive solutions for complex, national and international issues.


How can we help?

Do you have a question? Feel free to contact our specialists.

Direct contact with one of our specialists?

Our lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax specialists work closely together to provide customized advice and sustainable solutions, from a broad perspective. 

  • Dedicated specialists
  • Pragmatic approach
  • Personal and quick contact
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