To Healthcare & Social Domain

Oversight and enforcement

It is essential that healthcare institutions comply with the regulations governing, billing and legality stipulated by the legislature and financiers. In the case of municipal authorities specific issues have arisen in relation to the control and oversight of healthcare institutions in the social domain. Here the focus lies on guaranteeing the quality and legality of the healthcare and services provided to vulnerable citizens and young people.

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Our specialists

Ralph Tak
Ralph Tak
Lawyer - Senior
Healthcare & Social Domain
Stefan Donkelaar
Stefan Donkelaar
Lawyer - Senior
Healthcare & Social Domain

Compliance with regulations and quality standards on the part of healthcare institutions and municipalities

It is essential that healthcare institutions comply with the legislation and regulations governing lawful billing and quality under the oversight of bodies such as the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) and the Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ). Infringements may result in investigations and enforcement measures.

Municipal councils also have to contend with specific issues concerning the control and oversight of healthcare institutions within the social domain. Here the emphasis is placed on safeguarding the quality and legality of healthcare for vulnerable citizens and young people.

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Extensive support on both sides of the dynamic

Client case
Oversight and enforcement

“Dirkzwager expertly supported us in a complicated discussion with the Department of Corrections about the forensic care provided.”

DJI had stopped paying claims for forensic care provided as a result of an investigation into the claims. Through the courts, Dirkzwager was able to obtain a ban on settling claims, allowing us to continue providing care to clients.   

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Oversight and enforcement

Dirkzwager offers extensive support in the fields of oversight and enforcement within the healthcare sector and the social domain. We provide advice and guidance to municipal authorities for the purposes of quality and legality assessments, including the evaluation of audit procedures and the drafting and implementation of control plans. This includes the evaluation of risk analyses, the provision of advice on follow-up steps and our involvement from the start of an investigation to potential enforcement and (administrative) penalties.

In addition, our specialists maintain contact with regulatory authorities such as the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ), the Healthcare Authority (NZa), the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) and the Personal Data Authority (AP), and they provide assistance to healthcare providers, municipal councils and public health services (GGD) in the case of oversight proceedings along with support in the case of raids, the evaluation of reports and negotiations with regulators.

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