Close to the challenges facing our society
With lawyers, notaries and tax specialists under one roof.
About Dirkzwager
Dirkzwager is a full-service firm focusing on medium-sized and large (inter)national companies and government institutions. We offer our clients services in which lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax specialists work closely together to deliver high-quality and pragmatic solutions.
Dirkzwager is close. Close to our clients and partners, close to the major challenges facing our society and close to developments in the profession. And we are also close to ourselves; a close team of committed and enthusiastic colleagues who go to extremes for the client.
Close to... our clients and cooperation partners
Working together to achieve powerful solutions is central to Dirkzwager. We build long-term relationships with short lines in an open atmosphere, where professionalism and professionalism go hand in hand with people-orientation.
At Dirkzwager, we involve the right specialists to arrive at the best advice. The availability of lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax specialists under one roof is an important and unique added value in this respect.
Dirkzwager does not work with anonymous teams, but provides intensive and accessible contact with a senior contact person. We find it important to unburden our clients and organise the processes accordingly, without being complicated.

Close to... the major challenges facing our society
Dirkzwager is close to the major challenges facing our society. For example, the social themes of future-proof care, energy transition, opportunities and challenges in housing and the agile company are strategic spearheads for our firm, and we work together with various government institutions on social challenges.
Clients appreciate Dirkzwager's broad perspective and approach, which always looks at the question behind the question and the broader context to arrive at the best solutions and advice.

Close to... developments in our field
Dirkzwager has been operating soundly since 1886. Experience is our foundation, our gaze focused on the future. We use the most up-to-date professional and sector-specific knowledge and look beyond the legal-tax context. This results in powerful solutions in the form of concise, applicable advice.
Our specialists are connected to leading (inter)national professional, scientific and commercial networks in which they collaborate on files and exchange knowledge.

Close to... ourselves
Dirkzwager has grown into one of the large and leading firms in the Netherlands. With this growth, the family culture has been preserved and we are proud of that.
Dirkzwager stands for working at the highest legal-tax level, together with committed and enthusiastic colleagues who always go for the best result for the client. Our approach is pragmatic; no endless advice or large teams of specialists, but concrete and applicable solutions.
We focus our work on topics of social importance and support the cultural sector in its important work.
We believe in cooperation to achieve the best results. With colleagues, clients, cooperation partners and society.

Dirkzwager legal & tax and Introdans: close to each other for 25 years
You might not immediately say so, but the way we live our profession at Dirkzwager legal & tax has many similarities with professional dance. Therefore, together with Introdans, our cultural partner with whom we are celebrating 25 years of cooperation this year, we visualised what close means to us.
Roel Voorintholt, Artistic Director of Introdans: ‘Although we are active in a completely different branch, namely professional dance, there are many similarities between Introdans and Dirkzwager. It's not just about delivering quality, but also aspects needed to achieve top performance. Empathy and mutual trust are the core values of our company and therefore also of our collaborations; through creativity and professionalism we achieve the maximum result. In addition, we both have to move with a changing zeitgeist. This requires blood, sweat and tears, but above all love for our profession. It is very inspiring to visualise these similarities with our partner Dirkzwager.’
Curious about our vacancies? We are looking for talent.
Get in touch
Do you have a general question or want more information about our services? We will be happy to talk to you. Feel free to contact us via the contact form or via the contact details below.