Lawyers, notaries and tax advisers under 
one roof

Dirkzwager offers medium and large (inter)national companies and governments high-quality and pragmatic solutions in an atmosphere of committed cooperation.

our clients and partners
the major challenges facing our society
developments in our field

Close to the challenges of our time

Dirkzwager is close by

We build long-term relationships with short lines of communication in an open atmosphere, where professionalism and professionalism go hand in hand with a people-oriented approach. We believe it is important to unburden our clients and organise our processes accordingly, without being too complicated. Based on the strategic themes 'future-proofing healthcare', 'energy transition', 'opportunities and challenges in housing' and 'the agile company', our teams and specialists work on a sustainable living environment.

Close to clients and collaborative partners
Close to the challenges facing society
Close to developments in our field
Close to ourselves
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Your legal partner since 1886

Team-Illustratie-Desktop rechts met portretten Team-Illustratie-Desktop links met portretfotos

Meet our lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax specialists

With over 300 committed employees, Dirkzwager collaborates closely with you to develop pragmatic solutions and sustainable strategies. Our team is happy to help. 

Client case
Healthcare & Social Domain
After discussions with CZ and VGZ about paying realistic rates stalled, we engaged Dirkzwager, and successfully. This has resulted in cost-covering rates for us, but also for other companies within our industry.”

Care providers in the orthopedic shoe technology sector have successfully fought for real, cost-covering rates in two separate summary proceedings against health insurers VGZ and CZ. The positive outcomes represent significant progress for healthcare providers in this sector. 

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Client case
Project development

“Dirkzwager provided us with excellent legal guidance in a complex environment with public and private parties. The integrality of the advice allowed ANWB to make well-considered commitments.”

In the heart of The Hague, ANWB is developing and realizing its new headquarters of approximately 25,000 m2. From ANWB there was a need for legal assistance from a multidisciplinary real estate team of lawyers, notaries and tax specialists.

Client case
IT & Privacy

“Dirkzwager's full-service approach fits the needs of our growing international IT company perfectly. An all-round advisor who completely goes through fire for us inside and outside the courtroom.”

Info Support unexpectedly became embroiled in a dispute. Dirkzwager's IT knowledge was invaluable. With their thorough approach, Dirkzwager showed the court that the factual and legal situation was different than the plaintiff claimed. As a result, only about 3% of the claim remained.

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How can we help?

Feel free to contact us about our services.